What to Expect When Taking an Injured Stray Cat to the Vet Clinic

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If you find an injured, stray cat outside, then a kind thing to do is to take the cat to a local pet clinic. Most pet clinics will provide care for strays, but it’s wise to know what to expect throughout the process. Here are the key things worth knowing. 1. You’ll generally be expected to pay for the service. Customers are often surprised to learn that when they bring a stray cat to the vet, they are expected to pay for services rendered.…

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4 Times You Need To Take Your Pet Straight To The Emergency Vet

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When you have a pet, it is important to know when to take your pet to the vet because they are likely facing an emergency situation and need treatments right away. With some medical conditions, your pet can’t wait to get treatment. Bleeding If your pet has a tiny little cut, you can usually put gauze on it, and the bleeding stops right away; your pet is okay. If your pet is bleeding excessively from its nose, mouth, or rectum, or if they have a deep cut, you are going to want to get medical assistance for your pet right away.…

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5 Signs It's Time To Schedule A Pet Euthanasia Appointment

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Whether you own a dog or cat, your pet is an important member of your family that you love dearly. As such, the thought of putting your pet to sleep is heartbreaking. However, sometimes euthanasia is the most humane thing you can give a pet. It is important to recognize when it is time. If you’re wondering when to schedule a pet euthanasia appointment, here are a few signs.  Chronic Pain…

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Helpful Tips For Taking Your Cat To The Veterinarian

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If you own a kitten or cat, then you should educate yourself about all of the important basics of proper care for your pet. This includes learning about how to take your cat to the veterinarian. Taking your cat to the vet might seem simple, but if you’re a new cat owner, you might find that the tips below will be surprisingly helpful. Take Your Cat to the Vet Regularly…

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3 Instances When You Need To Rush Your Dog To The Animal Hospital

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It’s frightening to notice that all is not well with your pet. Actually, panic is perhaps the first impulse you get when your pet develops a serious health problem. If your pup is unwell or shows some signs of being unhealthy, it’s advisable to rush them to an animal hospital for timely treatment. Some mild health issues may just need a vet to come home and treat your pet. But if your pet develops severe health problems, you may have to take them to the hospital.…

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Should You Worry If Your Cat Is Losing Weight?

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For many pet parents, having their pet lose weight is an important goal. Having a cat be overweight isn’t healthy, and can increase its risk of developing certain health problems later in life. However, if your cat is losing weight on its own without any intervention from you, that may indicate that there’s a problem. Here’s what you should know about your cat losing weight. When Weight Loss Is Natural…

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Considering A Puppy? Necessary Care Your Puppy Will Need

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Your dog requires a lot of attention and care throughout their entire lifetime. Most people will get a puppy without thinking about how much care they actually require, which is why so many dogs end up in shelters. If you are considering a dog, you need to be sure you can take responsibility to care for your new furry addition to your family. You need to know what type of care they are going to need.…

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