Is Your Dog Experiencing An Upset Stomach? Schedule A Visit To The Vet

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You may avoid visiting the vet because your dog is uncomfortable in the car or at the clinic, but even though it may be stressful for them, it’s important to take them to the vet when they’re not feeling well. If your dog is experiencing an upset stomach and their symptoms have been present for more than 24 hours, visit your veterinarian to get an exam and make a plan for resolving the issue.…

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Why Becoming A Vet Is Such A Great Career Choice

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There are many different routes you can take that offer fulfillment as a career choice. Some people find that climbing the business ladder is their life calling, while others prefer to do something more rewarding in regards to helping others rather than gaining financial freedom. If you are wondering what path you would like to try out first, then you may want to consider becoming a veterinarian. While that might sound a bit out of left field, there are many good reasons why this industry is so attractive to people of all ages, and here are just a few of them.…

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Health Problems To Watch For In Your Poodle Or Poodle Mix

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Poodles are awesome dogs. Whether you have a standard poodle or a miniature one, you can enjoy their soft coat, friendly personality, and athleticism. Like many other breeds, however, poodles are prone to certain health conditions. These same health conditions may pop up in poodle mixes, such as goldendoodles and cockapoos. Here are the primary health conditions to watch out for and how a vet may treat them. Hip Dysplasia…

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Why Are Cats With Kidney Disease At a Higher Risk of High Blood Pressure?

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Finding out that your cat has kidney disease can be terribly upsetting. Learning that they may have a higher risk of comorbidities (or in other words, another disease) can be even more worrisome for a pet owner. Unfortunately, kidney disease and high blood pressure often go hand-in-hand for cats. Here’s why your cat may be at a higher risk of developing HBP with kidney disease. How the Kidneys Work To understand how sick kidneys can cause this problem, you have to understand how kidneys work.…

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Potential Problems a Vet May Find in Elderly Cats

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As pets get older, they need to see the vet a bit more often, just like people do. Making sure that you maintain a regular schedule of check-ups can help to find problems like the following early, allowing your vet the opportune chance to treat it. With proper treatment, a cat’s life can be comfortably protected and extended, but if help comes too late or not at all, these conditions may be life-threatening.…

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