Your Kitten's First Vet Appointment: How To Prepare And What To Expect

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Kittens are adorable with their tiny ears, round eyes, and soft fur. If you want your little kitten to remain in good health well into their adulthood, then you need to provide them with good vet care — and that starts at their first appointment! Here are some tips to help you prepare your furry little pet for that appointment, and also a look at what you can expect during the appointment.

Preparing Your Kitten for the Vet Appointment

Kittens can see the vet for the first time as early as 6 weeks of age, but it's typical for kittens to have their first appointment around 8 to 10 weeks of age. Call sooner rather than later so you can schedule an appointment at your convenience. You can count on this first appointment taking no more than a half-hour.

As your kitten's appointment approaches, purchase a cat carrier. The kind with soft walls tends to be comfortable and welcoming to a kitten. Feed your kitten in the carrier for a few days prior to the vet appointment so they get used to being in there and associate the carrier with a good thing: food.

Keep notes on your kitten's behavior as the appointment approaches. How much do they eat? How much do they drink? How often do they use the litter box? These details will help the vet determine whether there is anything amiss with your kitten's health.

What to Expect at Your Kitten's Appointment

When you arrive at the vet's office, the vet will typically have you continue to hold the kitten as they look the kitten over. They'll check inside the kitten's ears and comb through their hair to look for any signs of parasites or infection. They will listen to your kitten's heart, take their temperature, and listen to their lungs.

Your kitten will probably have their first vaccines at this first appointment, too. They will be given vaccines to protect against distemper, herpes, and calicivirus. The rabies vaccine is not typically given until kittens are 12 weeks old, so if your kitten is younger than this, they will need to return for a rabies shot at a second appointment. 

During the first appointment, the vet will also discuss your kitten's behavior, what you are feeding them, and other products you are using. The vet may make some recommendations for food and litter, and they can answer any questions you have about litter box training and the like.

Kittens need veterinarian care to stay healthy. Make your kitten's first appointment soon, and get to know the vet.
