4 Reasons Your Cat Needs An Annual Wellness Exam

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If your feline friend is like most, he or she doesn't love going to the vet. However, it is important for even seemingly healthy cats to see a veterinarian at least once a year for a routine wellness exam. Doing so can help your cat live his or her best life and give you the peace of mind in knowing that your best friend has a clean bill of health.Specifically, there are a few key reasons you don't want to skip out on your cat's annual health and wellness exam.

To Stay Up-to-Date on Vaccinations

Just like dogs and other house pets, cats should stick to a vaccine schedule--and annual exams are a great opportunity to get your cat caught up on these if needed. Keeping your cat vaccinated can protect him or her from contracting certain illnesses and disease (as well as spreading them to other animals or people). A veterinarian will be able to recommend a specific vaccination schedule for your cat based on age, breed, lifestyle, and other factors. However, most cats should be vaccinated against:

To Assess Weight and Diet

As part of your cat's wellness exam, your veterinarian will likely take the time to weigh your cat and ask about his or her diet. If your cat needs to lose or gain weight, you can speak with your veterinarian about what kinds of changes you should be making to help your pet achieve a healthy weight. Even if your cat is a healthy weight already, your veterinarian may have recommendations for dietary changes based on your cat's age, health, and other factors.

To Run Routine Bloodwork

It is not uncommon for vets to recommend annual bloodwork for cats; by comparing blood samples from one year to the next, it is easier for veterinarians to spot potentially problematic changes that could indicate underlying illness before symptoms even show up. If anything is abnormal with your cat's blood work, your vet can recommend additional diagnostic testing and/or treatment to protect your cat's health.

To Address Questions and Concerns

Seeing your cat's veterinarian at least once a year also gives you an opportunity to bring up any concerns or questions you may have about your cat's health and wellness. While your cat may not enjoy being taken to the vet, it's important to remember that you do this out of love and to protect your furry friend's health for years to come! 
